Saturday, November 14, 2009


I spent several hours today with Jim Vigil, Commissioner, Las Animas County, Ellen Larson, Mayor of Aguilar, Mack Louden and Herman Moltrer touring the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site. We visited the cantainment area, drove by several small arms live fire ranges, walked through one of the homesteads being proposed as historic sites, saw the hogsbacks where so many Native American artifacts are being preserved, and received a briefing from range personnel on how the Army seeks to minimize impact in the training area.

This follows the two hour briefing I received at Fort Carson on Monday.

I now have the benefit of hearing the Army side, hearing from elected officials and area residents, and seeing the PCMS first hand. Many of the citizens here are veterans of combat in service to their country. They feel betrayed. I am convinced the Army realizes that its approach to developing the Site in the 80's caused the citizens of this area to lose trust, not just in the government, but in the Armed Forces whose mission it is to protect them. I am also convinced that the Army has ample space in the existing footprint of PCMS to conduct the training so critical to preparing our young warriors to fight and win in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I will oppose any attempt to expand the existing footprint of the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site.

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Bruce DuFresne

Tired of unresponsive "representatives" who do as they're told?

Governance is too important to leave in the hands of politicians. We need to hold our representatives feet to the fire. We must watch every bill, demand that they read it fully and listen to us. We must be relentless in our civic duty because we have been asleep too long.


About Me

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Steamboat Springs, CO, United States
I'm a conservative Republican who ran for Congress in Colorado's Third Congressional District in 2010. Though I lost the primary I gained an amazing insight into how politics works, and I met hundreds of wonderful, concerned citizens. Let's stay engaged in the mission. Write to me at, and keep the faith.